Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crash and Burned but Back and Rebuilding!!

  Wow. What a busy and disappointing (eating wise) few months. I didn't succeed in my desire to keep going in my last plan. But I am back! I gained 5 lbs from my wayward eating. (Thankful it was only 5lbs!) 

   Gabe and I took a test on Dr. Mercola's website about nutritional type. Found out some pretty neat things about our diet and about the "traditional" breakfast and how it is actually not a great way to start our day. I found out I was a "mixed type" and Gabe was a "protein type". I am starting to put some of the stuff I have read to practice. The past few mornings I have been having a high protein breakfast consisting of: Chicken, Quinoa, eggs, & a vegetable. Sounds like dinner, doesn't it? But oh the energy I have have and how lite I felt afterwards to start my day. His plan encourages going Gluten-Free for the first 60 days, I haven't been completely doing that since my household has many glutenous foods, trying to eat it minimally until all is gone, would love the throw it out but being a "tight time" in our household, we need to be wise and not wasteful. So slowly I begin this change! But I am stopping the sugar again, except for like my tea's and I bet as time progresses I will get rid of that as well. 

 So I am beginning again. I have 79 days till Sukkot and my desire is to lose another 30lbs. I began this time with 84 days and I have been on this new thing for about 5 days. I have also added an exercise schedule to everyday (except Sabbath). Kind of like a " Me time", the children just play around me. 
 I ask for your prayers, I pray Yahweh give me strength! Help me to overcome the things that have easily beset me! AGAIN!

Yahweh Bless & LET'S RUN!
Sady K.

Heb 12:1  We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,
Heb 12:2  looking to the Princely Leader and Perfecter of our belief, יהושע, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim.


  1. ... I believe you will loose weight within a month if you follow strictly to one of those.... :)

  2. Thank You Jenna! I have always enjoyed HalleluYAH Acres.. I'm not much for the vegetarian lifestyle, I do enjoy my meat, We only eat grass feed free range & organic (beef, chicken). I'm not much worried about weight even though I want to lose it. But it is more focusing on what I eat (and al the goes with it), really seeing where I struggle! So excited that He is still keeping me in check. This way of eating is very similar to our spiritual walk. It is a grand picture of how we should walk and what can happen if we get distracted or forget to put on our armour! Thank You ABBA for reaching out and guiding my direction. So JENNA thank you for your encouragement, please keep me in your prayers...

  3. Shalom Sady! OH, your determination and willpower! Good for you for being so dedicated to nourishing your is sooooo against the flow isn't it.

    I hope you all are doing GRRRRRREAT! It's gettin' close to Sukkot...Wonder what the next few months will bring. Keep us in your prayers please and we will do the same for you as well.

    Kiss your family for us. Many blessings to you all Sady, we love you very much.

    Traci R
