Friday, December 30, 2011

Morning of Reflection

     Good Morning, my home it quite at this time….. silence is nice once in a while, even though my thoughts are screaming the comfort of the ticking clock drowns them out. I’m on day 18! It has been a unique journey. I have found strength and praise Yah have overcome many many battles that threaten my point of doing this.

      It is Sabbath day prep but before I hurry myself around getting things ready I am wanting to share a few things from this journey! I’m going to go back to day 2… What an extremely hard yet break through day!

     Gabe needed to go to the city and we (Our 3 children and myself) went with him to do our monthly shopping beside getting all his items for his jobs. This was also the day that my dad went in for his Pacemaker, and Gabe let me know money would be so tight that we could only get stuff of extreme need because our food budget went down more. So lets just say I was trying not to be emotional, besides being hungry!! Well the first part of our morning went semi-well, yet the hustle and bustle of people shopping got a little unnerving. But it wasn’t until we got all my shopping done and had to finish up with Gabe’s that things started turning for the worst… an item that Gabe needed to get for his job did not exist but he was told it had and based his whole job on it (lets just say not fun!) So my poor Hubby had to rethink out his plan right there and that took an overwhelmingly amount of time, time that almost caused the momma of a 3, 2 and 1 year old to go MAD! Not to top it off with my dad’s surgery going a little long with few difficult things going on in his chest but also wanting to comfort my mom even though she was strong and full of complete peace! Right there in those agonizing 4 hours in this store, 2 of those hours being in the same isle… I was angry! In my mind I had quit my fast and Gabe was going to take me to a FINE dining establishment and I was going to eat to my hearts content, but where was Gabriel’s help meet? Where was the support and comfort he needed in his time of frustration and confusion? I finally helped him but it wasn’t with a loving heart!!! I can’t remember when it hit me (think leaving the parking lot and rest of the trip) but it finally hit me of my heart towards my husband. I was willing to cover my bitterness with food, comfort food, food that pretty much said oh I like you again Gabe. Please forgive my brutal honesty but it is true, FOOD food food food!!  It was going to comfort me, make me better! How ugly, how pathetic? Oh super pathetic! In that moment of realizing I was crushed. Though Gabe would have probably never known it but I sat there amazed I had come this far! That I dealt with certain things by eating, I know I have had this thought before but It struck me even harder because I was on this fast… I could no longer rely on food to comfort me in my time of frustration or loneliness…. That I had to face these feelings abruptly! I couldn’t turn but go straight forward to the problem and either stew or face facts and repent. Praise YAHWEH, I repented! I saw a glimpse that I pray I never ever see again. I will say I still am asking Yah to help me understand all this, to help break the curse I put on myself. To break and burn the roots I have allowed to become rooted in my life. It has taken a lot to download all I feel He is showing me…. I don’t want to download and then put it in a file that gets neglected because I have so many other files that need cleaning out… So I ask for more of your prayers!!

Psa 61:2  From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  

Since day 2 I have come into many scripture about strength and shelter!! Praise Yahweh!!

Psa 62:2  He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

Psa 62:5  My being, find rest in Elohim alone, Because my expectation is from Him.
Psa 62:6  He alone is my rock and my deliverance, my strong tower; I am not shaken.

I must end for now, for my home is buzzing with little feet and hungry bellies!! Yahweh bless and encourage you through your time of fasting or prayer or anything, that you too would find comfort.



Friday, December 23, 2011

A New Season!

What can make a person say I'm going to change today, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to go beyond me and find what it is that will make me more than I am at this very moment....... Well... let me tell ya.

I won't go into detail but lets just say a lot has been going on with our family. It has been a rough season so far, but like a good Father He is revealing Himself to us stronger and mightier than ever before. It might not be instant fixing of the problems but more the conditioning of the child! I wish I could say I enjoy it! That, that it is a blessing, but to be truthful it is hard pressed and downright life altering and sometimes I'm not comfortable with that, but it is not really up to me is it? It is up to Him. He called us out.... have you heard that voice?

Since last month I was kind of on a down slope with just about all that had to do with me! Not to say that I didn’t turn to Yahweh but just that I was in a funk!?! During this “funk” (forgive the word but only one that really describes my feeling) many things happened and I was like “sigh, I don’t want to be here in this physical state!” This is not what Yahweh intended for me, for me to feel or for me to function. Things may not change for sometime in certain area’s but I knew that my heart and actions had too because they were not the bearer of Light! Meaning the bearer of Yahushua! That is what I want to be, as a Wife, Momma, musician, friend, sister, daughter and complete stranger!!!   
Well…. So begins (or continuing of) the journey of becoming me:

 F'AST, v.i.

1. To abstain from food, beyond the usual time; to omit to take the usual meals, for a time; as, to fast a day or a week.

2. To abstain from food voluntarily, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, sorrow and affliction.

(my fast consist of drinking water, herb tea and some raw milk. Plus a mid-morning Smoothie of fruits and vegetables and that's it.)

Have you ever felt the Ruach (set-apart spirit) stir you? Like He was empowering you to a purpose, that’s what I felt...

 Psa 27:8  To my heart You have said, “Seek My face.” Your face, יהוה, I seek.

That honestly feels like it was written just for me! (In all truth it was, when you think about your relationship with our Yahweh, it is all you and Him. You get my picture?) I’ve had this stirring for sometime, just couldn’t grasp what it was I was to do, but maybe that is how He was able to make my actions and my attitude so clear in my time to finally grab a hold.
So as you have probably guessed I am fasting. Not a full throttle no water, no food. But a very simple and humbling fast. I do drink water and herbal tea and I have one smoothie mid-morning which consist of fruits, vegetables and raw milk. I am on day 11. It has been quite life altering right now, especially in me seeing my habits before my eyes! Yahweh has given strength, peace and endurance. I’m not for sure how long I will keep on this fast but for now I am to keep going. I wasn’t going to speak about it to many, but I feel like this could encourage you, whoever you are! Not to do a fast but to know you are not alone, life is hard. Life can be stressful, life can be ugly! But your life needs to be in Yahushua. Because I know even in the rough times HE is there, HE will provide, HE will direct, HE will comfort, HE will SAVE, and HE will strengthen. I am living proof that nothing is too difficult for HIM!

Isa 40:28  Did you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting Elohim, יהוה, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
Isa 40:29  He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Isa 40:30  Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men stumble and fall,
Isa 40:31  but those who wait on יהוה renew their strength, they raise up the wing like eagles, they run and are not weary, they walk and do not faint.

So for now I end here. There will be more to come for I have many stories so far from this fast, but in closing I ask you.... Please pray for me, not just your everyday "help sady, Yahweh." But stand in agreement with me to change, for my body to be restored and my thoughts be on Him, that true change would alter our families life. NO going back!  I love you all.... May Yahweh through His son Yahushua bless you abundantly!!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prayer for my Family!

We need your prayers for my papa, he is going in tomorrow morning for a pacemaker... this has been a hard road. thank you.

Yahweh's Woman.

She is more then a dishwasher and diaper changer. She is a chef, a green thumb, wholesome fashion designer, arts guru, M.D., teacher and philosopher, Hair stylist, home interior decorator, landscaper, homemaker, baker, lover, poet, speaker, critic, artist. She does it with her children by-her-side while satisfying and honoring her Husband.... See you don't have to leave home to be fulfilled.... Her career is all in one and makes her more then any career... Take back your home! Proverbs 31 and Titus 2:3-5... 
 let the simple words draw the bigger picture!!
 Pro 31:10  Who does find a capable wife? For she is worth far more than rubies.
Pro 31:11  The heart of her husband shall trust her, And he has no lack of gain.
Pro 31:12  She shall do him good, and not evil, All the days of her life.
Pro 31:13  She shall seek wool and flax, And with delight she works with her hands.
Pro 31:14  She shall be as the ships of Tarshish, She brings in her food from afar.
Pro 31:15  She also rises while it is still night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her girls.
Pro 31:16  She shall consider a field and buy it; From her profits she shall plant a vineyard.
Pro 31:17  She shall gird herself with strength, And strengthen her arms.
Pro 31:18  She shall taste when her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out by night.
Pro 31:19  She shall stretch out her hands to the distaff, And her hand shall hold the spindle.
Pro 31:20  She shall extend her hand to the poor, And she shall reach out her hands to the needy.
Pro 31:21  She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is dressed in scarlet.
Pro 31:22  She shall make tapestry for herself; She is dressed in fine linen and purple.
Pro 31:23  Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.
Pro 31:24  She shall make fine linen and sell them, And shall give girdles for the merchants.
Pro 31:25  Strength and splendour are her garments, And she rejoices in time to come.
Pro 31:26  She shall open her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the Torah of kindness.
Pro 31:27  She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Pro 31:28  Her children shall rise up and call her blessed; Her husband too, and he praises her:
Pro 31:29  “Many daughters have done nobly, But you have risen over them all.”
Pro 31:30  Loveliness is deceptive And prettiness is vain, A woman who fears יהוה is to be praised.
Pro 31:31  Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates. 

Tit 2:3  the older women likewise are to be set-apart in behaviour, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of what is good,
Tit 2:4  in order for them to train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,
Tit 2:5  to be sensible, blameless, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, in order that the word of Elohim is not evil spoken of.