Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cluttered Victory..... One of many post about our changing Life!

Cluttered Victory! (part 1 of many parts that will come as life moves on!)

At 26 (almost 27), I finally see some things that I have been in need of seeing. Not that I am or have ever been a hoarder but I found myself buying things just because I thought they were cute or that I just wanted them…. But with months gone by I haven’t used them. Now I am wanting to throw them away, I really have no need for them nor do I care to wear them anymore but why at the moment of purchasing them did I have that “desirable need” feeling, that there was some kind of fulfillment in having it, when in fact it just added to the rest of my clutter and disarray of our growing household. Blah….. BLAH BLAH BLAH!! I hate it, I hate when I finally come to grips seeing myself and the worthless place I’ve come too, When allowing the things I have to become more important then the relationship I have with my Husband, my children and most importantly my Heavenly Father Yahweh and Yahushua His Son!! Today is a hard, yet a super overwhelming blessing of a day. A day where I feel Freedom, I feel that the things I have no longer tell me of who I am. That’s it….. I am not the things I have! I am seeing how cluttered my heart and home have been…. And let me tell ya, I live in a small house and the things may not seem very numerous to you but oh how they have consumed my daily life, where all I am doing is keeping up with the things I have. Did you just read that statement…. I have come to realize that the things I have make up my day, and I know if I skip one day fixing or cleaning or or or or or or … (sigh). Hmm.. hahaha. Let’s just say it takes me a while to get it back to order. 

    As I write you I feel like a changing woman. Not that it is going to be easy fighting against my flesh desire to keep the things I haven’t worn or used in the last six months or a year or ten years. But I guess my thought is if I haven’t used them and haven’t worn them then why do I need them… they don’t make my life easier just add more clutter and dirt. For example: I have a shirt that I have held onto for 10 years…. I have worn it maybe 5 times in those ten years. I held onto it cause it was pretty and then I gained weight and wanted it to be my goal to get back into, well I can wear it now but it still hangs there (Praise YAH! It is now in the pile along with other clothes that will be leaving my home and going to someone who will actually wear and be thankful for them) to me that is victory! May seem silly but oh how good it feels to look at my closet and know that I have worn these cloths the last few weeks. Not “oh I think I wore that a year ago?…” he he.

   Now I am not saying you can’t have things or enjoy things or be blessed with things. It’s just the question of what really matters and what is the point of it, will it help you or will it own you!?!? I want to free up some of this time I seem to spend by just cleaning what I own, to devote to more needed area’s in my life like my children, my Husband, music and YAHWEH! It’s not easy to face everyday knowing or feeling like you’re never going to get ahead. I know that through Yahushua, I will! It may take time, but He’s never forsaken me yet…. I know it is just getting better! HALLELUYAH!!

   Anywho… that is my story, my excited story about overcoming me and the victory I am beginning to see in the cluttered little house on the (soon to be) Iowa Tundra…. Hahahahah. Shalom!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My cautious one!

Shiloh is my very cautious, takes his time (not my type of time) kind of guy. He doesn't like to be pushed into anything he is not comfortable with. So we don't push him all the time if he is truly frightened or distressed about doing a certain thing, but then there are moment when we do push him cause we know the outcome will gain more once he is doing and will enjoy it! Well on the beautiful feast Yom Teruah, Shiloh challenged us by doing something that shocked that he was capable of doing (thank Yahweh I did not see it for I probably would have stressed out!). Let me set the scene:

(The obstacle!)
(The Height!)
Gabe & the children were outside flying a kite. Silas had the kite but let go of it (very windy day, that day) the kite ended up getting stuck on the top of the house. So Gabe had to go up on the roof to get it unstuck. His way of doing this was this: He stepped up on top of a rather large tool box behind the shed that stand right next to our house, from the tool box he climbed a small step stool ladder to the top of the shed from the shed roof to the house roof. So while Gabriel was detaching the kite from the house..... Little 3 year old Shiloh started his climb. His went like this: there are a few landscaping blocks to the side of the (rather large) tool box, he climbed them to the top of the tool box and from the tool box took the same small step stool ladder to the TOP of the SHED! Picture Shiloh STANDING mind you, on the top of this at least 8ft or 9ft tall shed. All this time (which probably wasn't too much) Gabe was on the roof of the house untangling this kite! He heard Shiloh talking to him at a unusual close distance. When he turned to look there stood Shiloh on top of the shed, all smiles (or at least I can picture this little boy grinning from ear to ear thinking he did something quite large in his point of view). In this very daunting moment for Gabe he tells Silas to go and get me & for Shiloh to sit down and not move (LOL), well by the time Silas (2yrs) comes in, he thinks he is in trouble, semi crying, gets sidetracked and forgets to tell me anything. So while this time was going on I still continued at my project (dinner making!) had NO idea my baby boy took another step towards growing up and changing from that true "baby" status.

(The Victor & his Mountain!) (the shed!)
 Finally when all was said and done... Gabe walks in with this startled look on his face and ask me why I didn't come out!! I started to get defensive as he asked me if Silas had told me to come out... I look at Silas and back at Gabe and said "NO, he said nothing to me just whined so I just thought he was in trouble and had to come in!" after that Gabe told me of our oldest boys brave adventure. That day My baby grew up just a little bit more, even his face shined this new look of adventure and victory. He had a stern talking to about not climbing like that unless Daddy or Mommy is with him and they say it is alright.   

Needless to say, we gave thanks to our Abba Yahweh, who kept HIS hand of protection over my boy & His messengers encamped about him.... Yah is Good & faithful!

Oh and Shiloh, he is surprising us everyday with his many wondrous ways!

Note the Lilies.....
