Saturday, January 21, 2012

One chapter closing as another opens!

Day 40!! Really? I made it?? I can not begin to tell you how incredible it feels! I am humbled by this journey, humble by the fact that Yahweh asked me to go forth, to know He wanted me to succeed and overcome my flesh. HalleluYAH! It is the most amazing feeling not just looking at my flesh and seeing a person I hardly recognize but seeing my flesh in all reality! Seeing that Phil 4:13 is true. Seeing that I am not what I was before. Seeing that I too can overcome.... each time I come to this place (which have been many) I am astounded and overwhelmed by the true grace and mercy and love my heavenly Father has for me. It is not a false love... it is not for a season but for all eternity! That through Messiah Yahushua I can have this pure set-apart bond with my Heavenly Father and know that I am His! 

Psa 100:1  Raise a shout for יהוה, All the earth!
Psa 100:2  Serve יהוה with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
Psa 100:3  Know that יהוה, He is Elohim; He has made us, and we are His – His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Psa 100:4  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His Name.
Psa 100:5  For יהוה is good; His kindness is everlasting, And His truth, to all generations. 

Day 40 is more a day of awe.... Thanking Yahweh that my last day is a Sabbath! A day of rest and day that is for my family and I to become more of a family and abide in Shalom with much rejoicing and much laughter! 

Now my world is in full throttle motion towards FOOD! lol. Well that is where I put on the brakes and make sure I am in check! Day 41 is going to prove to be my hardest day yet! Funny as that may sound being that I have dreamed of this day, though in all reality being off of food for 40 days makes me a baby! My body has to take time to understand solid food again.... SO I ask you to please keep me in your prayers. I see the enemy in John 10:10 wanting to come and destroy! As I come back into healthy solid foods I hope to share with you the many dishes I plan and hope to be making. During this Fast Yah has given an enjoyment to finding great recipes for my family. He overly strengthened me to bypass my fleshes want for the food I was making and encouraging me to go further by preparing me to embrace a more set-apart healthy lifestyle. He is so good like that... Just AMAZING! 

In these last days I have been given some great scriptures in preparing for day 41 and beyond. I hope to hold these dear and keep accountable to them, maybe they will strengthen you as well.

Mat 26:41  “Watch and pray, lest you enter into trial. The spirit indeed is eager, but the flesh is weak.”

James 4:10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Master, and He shall lift you up.

Pro 23:1  When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Look well what is before you;
Pro 23:2  And put a knife to your throat If you are a man given to appetite.
Pro 23:3  Do not desire his delicacies, For that food is deceptive. 

1Co 10:31  Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the esteem of Elohim.

 Well my friends and family this is not the end though my fast is coming to a close the journey is not over. My prayer and my hope it is the continuing of a testimony in progress...

Once again please keep me in your prayers.. I do truly need them in the days to come! 

 Yahweh Be praised for all His great and miraculous ways and His beautiful love that strengthens and cultivates this reckless and ugly heart. Yahushua Thank you... for Your testimony and love to show us that Yahweh is forever strong! I am forever grateful for YOU being in my heart and calling me out of my muddy pits. 

Once again Yahweh Bless and keep you all,


1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful story to add to your testimony of just how great our Father is!
