Saturday, January 28, 2012


Heb 12:1  We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,
Heb 12:2  looking to the Princely Leader and Perfecter of our belief, יהושע, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim. 

All I can say is it is nice to be able to eat! I have learned so much and on day 41 I got to put it into action and for the last 7 days, I feel like I am reaping fruit and I feel that the bounty is life changing. In the entire fast I lost 35 lbs. but I have gained 5 lbs back due to building muscle and my body no longer in starvation mode! I took some pictures through the process of my first day and until today! 

I am learning to listen to my body and not my flesh, which may come as a confusing thought being that my flesh is my body. I'm more talking about understanding what full is and not to trust my eye sight, for there are times my eyes fool me into thinking I desire more when in fact I am content. fueled. ready to go! 

Many things have changed in the DeLapp household, Thank Yahweh I have an amazing crew that is right on board with me. With these changes do come more effort but I think we are up to that because the results have been more energy and less irritability! I have goals coming together and being thought of as I continue my way towards a fat-free body! hahaa not a fat-free diet but a fat-free body! 

I have kept my meals small and frequent. which personally have helped out BIG TIME! I give thanks to Yahweh for my encouraging friends and family who have all played a major role in support, prayer and superb ideas! The thing I am learning through the small meals is the fact I have to make time for myself, which has encouraged me to stay motivated and excited to begin each day. 

Yahweh has placed an amazing desire to work hard! To enrich my life with the tasks at hand... To stay inspired and keep enduring through the rough stuff. I have had my moments this week where stress did try to come in and play with my emotions, I was encouraged cause I turned to YAHWEH! I truly made a choice to by pass any other out and turn to Him.. He supplied my strength and then some. He is so good. Praise ABBA YAH!

Well I must end here, I hope to share more from this new season and some more testimony from my 40 days... Yahweh is so good. I love you all and pray you are inspired to find great hope in the great awakening inside you, YAHUSHUA! in whatever that may be! Shalom for now...... Sady :D

Pro 13:3  He who watches over his mouth guards his being, But he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.
Pro 13:4  The being of the lazy one craves, but has not; While the being of the hard workers are enriched.

Around 170lbs, 7 days after day 40!



Around 200lbs, on day 1


  1. Love the flower skirt! Very cute! Did you make it?

  2. No, it was one of those "dress" shirts and I cut off the straps and made it a skirt. I like it too! now that I can wear it.. haha.
