Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 20 - Habitual Clockwork!


    This has surely been an amazing 20 days. I've learned about my weaknesses and I have learned about my habitual practices! It's funny how the word "habitual" has become so much a part of me without even knowing it. Like, I invited it to come and live with me. Be who I am and enjoy it's presence. When I say Habitual clockwork, I mean there is a certain time that my body starts to crave a sweet treat, I get up and walk into the kitchen, open the cabinets and scan hoping to find the perfect tasty treat to satisfy this everyday need to make "my will" happy. Funny? Right? Well now that I am understanding this clockwork, I'm learning I've neglected self-control or in another word "temperance". 

TEM'PERANCE, n. [L. temperantia, from tempero.]

1. Moderation; particularly, habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions; restrained or moderate indulgence; as temperance in eating and drinking; temperance in the indulgence of joy or mirth. Temperance in eating and drinking is opposed to gluttony and drunkenness, and in other indulgences, to excess.

2. Patience; calmness; sedateness; moderation of passion.

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness,
Gal 5:23  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah.

 I have allowed my body to dictate what it wants when it wants it. Wow! But this is wrong, this is not good, I have allowed myself to become lazy in the area of self-discipline and self-control. I am praying to be completely restored from these feelings, these practices that have allowed itself to be me. I know I have been wrong, I did this to myself. So of course I am reaping that that I have sowed into my harvest.. 

2Pe 1:5  And for this reason do your utmost to add to your belief uprightness, to uprightness knowledge,
2Pe 1:6  to knowledge self-control, to self-control endurance, to endurance reverence,
2Pe 1:7  to reverence brotherly affection, and to brotherly affection love.
2Pe 1:8  For if these are in you and increase, they cause you to be neither inactive nor without fruit in the knowledge of our Master יהושע Messiah.

 Exciting isn't it! I am excited because I know I am on this course.... I have bridled this habitual clockwork and have said "NO MORE". It is one step at a time, as I walk this journey I have had my moments of weakness, those moments that I almost said "I quit" but I didn't... I truly feel proud of myself, I don't know if I have ever felt this way before. When I can look at myself and know I have not given in. I feel amazing... I feel more energy. I feel more joy. I sing more! haha....

  It is still there though... this clockwork. So I am fighting this battle everynight. I ask for your prayers once more, that I would be strong and that I would RUN THIS RACE! fervently and steadfastly! HalleluYAH!

1Co 9:24  Do you not know that those who run in a race indeed all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to obtain it.
1Co 9:25  And everyone who competes controls himself in every way. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown, but we for an incorruptible crown.
1Co 9:26  Therefore I run accordingly, not with uncertainty. Thus I fight, not as one who beats the air.
1Co 9:27  But I treat my body severely and make it my slave, so that when I have proclaimed to others, I myself might be rejected. 

    What a statement! I pray I too would run in such a way and not look back. I don't want a corruptible crown, just victory in these area's that I have lacked in. I am working towards that goal....

 Rom 6:12  Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, to obey it in its desires,
Rom 6:13  neither present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to Elohim as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to Elohim.  

1Co 6:19  Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own?
1Co 6:20  For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit,1 which are of Elohim. 

1Pe 1:18  knowing that you were redeemed from your futile way of life inherited from your fathers, not with what is corruptible, silver or gold,
1Pe 1:19  but with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless,

HalleluYAH, so much to look forward to through Yahushua Messiah! Yay! For now I end with a prayer.

   Abba, Yahweh. Forgive me for my ways, these destructive ways that have caused me to lose sight of freedom. I ask you to help me in this time to overcome these temptations. To overcome this lifestyle of indulgence. Heal me! if there is any hurt, I pray I would understand and forgive and move forward not looking back. I need Your strength. I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters as they journey along this path to overcome what besets them. We love You! it is in Yahushua's name I pray! Amien.

Let's RUN!


Heb 12:1  We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,
Heb 12:2  looking to the Princely Leader and Perfecter of our belief, יהושע, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim.



  1. Beautifullly written Sady!! As I read this I am truly encouraged and inspired. Thank you sis for sharing this and for the wondeful Scriptures that you shared as well. Love you!! I am praying for you. You are doing fantastic through the strength of Yahushua Messiah HalleluYah!!!!

  2. Amien. Our bodies do have a mind of their own, a natural appetite to be filled in ways that we learn in our modern world which are not good. I agree that we must learn to bridal these earthy passions and bring our bodies into subjection. Indeed, you said it right, we are bought with a price and we are no longer our own.

    You say it so beautifully as it is given to you while you walk this path.

    Blessings Sis, you are an inspiration to me.
    Love you!!

  3. This really gets me thinking too Sady. It's a great reminder as well. If you think about it we want and try to teach our children they cannot give into their every want. We need to teach them self control and to not give into the flesh. Everyone struggles with a weakness and it all has to do with what the body wants that second and in the "moment". For some it's food, for some it's lust, drugs, alcohol, etc. One sin is no worse than the other. Thank you again for posting this. I have had a few days of slip ups and not using self control :( and I always feel awful afterwards both mentally and physically.
