Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 4

   Wow, Only four days in and I truly feel great! The best thing I know I have done is I have gotten rid of the sugar, the innocent little piece's of sugar that lie around waiting for a human to devour & consume it. haha. Yep, I used to always tell myself it won't bother me having it the house. I am strong! I can refuse it's temptation... Yeah... NO, I was ridiculously wrong. I am weak, I am so weak when it comes to sugar, it takes up this helpless form that says "hi" "I'm your friend".... LoL okay I am not that weird but I guess I am really seeing how weak I truly am. I know you must be thinking once again, "wow! sady, you are a glutton." Yep, I have been. Something I am not proud of, something that makes me very sad! I am seeing though that this weakness is good, I'm not prefect. Have I been trying to be? Good question.

   So with the sugar gone (meaning any pre-made sweetened fancy), which we gave it away to some friends of ours (sorry Messer Family) which was Hot cocoa mix, chocolate chips and animal cookies...(I still have baking sugar but don't use it) So with the sugary goods gone, i'm finding it alot easier than I thought. Well, you know, not seeing it helps to not eat it. Though at night, it can be hard with that lingering feeling like I need something else. Something tasty and creamy! I want to laugh at that... but then I'm like... whoa. (Sigh) I am thankful He is still at work in me. 
 Once Again the words to my song "Yahweh's Girl"

                                    "I'm Here, I'm Now"
                    "Breaking strongholds, Watching walls fall."

   What can I say to encourage, when I, myself have fought this battle for so long and have failed constantly. All I know is prayer is a big deal in this thing. I could not do it without my heavenly Father picking me up and saying "it's okay" I'm right here". He has to be in every part of this effort. There is NO vain glory, there is NO "look at ME time!". I am not wanting to lose weight to see myself in a "bikini" or "little black dress", I want to see myself running around with my children, jogging & riding bikes with my Husband. I want to see a fully restored woman that no longer battles with the ugly in herself (meaning disease and sickness and fat). Also I am finding sleep is a big deal... I need it.
    I was encouraged by my sweet and dear sis, Reese with some scriptures that have encouraged her on her path to attaining freedom in the weight area as well. They now encourage my Race I'm running....

1Co 6:19  Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own?
1Co 6:20  For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are of Elohim. 

I Corinthians 10:31 Therefore, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Esteem of Elohim.

    Yes, HalleluYAH, in all I do, I pray I do it in honor of my Yahweh most high! I have forgotten that, especially when it comes to eating. I have forgotten that when I do things or eat things. I am doing unto Him! He created me, He designed me and my body to work a certain way, but I have chosen my own paths. Though Praise YAHWEH most High I am back and I am going to do this. I am going to change! I'm going to run this race.... looking to My Messiah Yahushua, who paved the way!

Php 4:13  I have strength to do all, through Messiah who empowers me.     

  As much as this has been a good journey (only 4 days) it has been an emotional one. I see these things, these habits that are fully graved in me. For the first time I don't want them. For the first time instead of thinking "what I'm missing" by not being able to eat them, I'm like why did I need them in the first place! Another Good question...... ?? Hopefully down this path I'll be answering these Questions.

  Okay I bet your wondering have I lost weight, what exercise am I doing?? Well first off I'm not for sure on weight just yet cause my scale is a clunker, so I have to wait to tell you that. I'm wanting/looking for a modest (clothed) workout video that I could do while my boys are napping! Let me know if you know of one!

 Workout Family Style: 200 sit-ups every other day (on my workout ball)
                                 50 sit-ups those "other" days
                                                 Leg lifts of all kind's
            Leg Lifts with a 42 lb & 30lb weight in the form of a 1 & 2yr old boy
                          Arm lifts w/ my boys and push-ups (off my workout ball)
* if you have some great workout advice, don't be shy! TELL ME!

   My little fella's are the greatest motivators, they get me going! We have this time at night right before bed called "Pillow Patch and tickle time!" Where we all get down and jump and roll in a huge pile of pillows and blankets. it is quite the favorite in our home.
   For my children I long to be the momma who chose to be better for them, who chose to be the one playing not the one sitting on her rump cause she is too tired.


 So for now I end with this: 

Rom 8:28  And we know that all matters work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to His purpose.

     I have a purpose, I pray I fulfill that purpose! Please keep me in your prayers...... Let's RUN!


Heb 12:1  We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,
Heb 12:2  looking to the Princely Leader and Perfecter of our belief, יהושע, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sady!! Yes, it is so important to know we have a purpose...I have to remind myself of that ALL THE TIME! I struggle with doing good for my body in the area of exercise also. I used to be disciplined but fell off the wagon a couple of years ago and have to get back up because I feel it is needed for these days we live in.

    Goooooooooooooooo Sady...I'll try and be more diligent in that area with you, Abba willing. May He give us strengh and good courage! Amien.

    I am happy to be apart of your blog. I have just gotten a chance to peruse here and plan to visit Spice Tree too. I'm so glad you shared with me:)
